What is the BERITH NFT? — BERITH NFT (1)

2 min readJan 12, 2022


Hello, this is Berith.

From this week, we will introduce BERITH NFT that we mentioned last time as a special series. We will share every week or biweekly what kind of platform BERITH NFT will be and how it will be launched.

As the first news in the series, I will briefly introduce BERITH NFT.

let’s take a quick look at the concept of the NFT.

What is the NFT(Non-Fungible Token)?

NFT literally means an unique and non-interchangeable token (Non-Fungible Token), a token representing digital assets with rareness, and has a feature that cannot be exchanged because it gives digital assets a separate unique recognition value.

the recently mentioned NFT has expanded further from the original concept of pure Token. It is used to mean digital assets with NFTs that include ownership and certificate of authenticity.

Then, let me briefly explain the BERITH NFT from now on.


BERITH NFT is a platform that provides services that can use blockchain technology to mint unique assets with rareness into digital assets. And the platform also has a function to sell/auction the issued NFTs.

How can we use BERITH NFT?

When you sign up for the BERITH NFT platform (Cloud SSO), your Berith membership account and Berith Wallet wallet address are automatically created. The membership account which was created by above way, you can use the BERITH NFT platform.

In addition, let’s see what is a Berith Wallet.

What is the Berith Wallet?

Berith Wallet is the cryptocurrency wallet of Berith, which allows transactions of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Berith Coin (BERS). In the future, you will be able to register and use the wallet address created by BERITH NFT membership with Berith Wallet.

Today, we introduced BERITH NFT briefly. On next time, we will let you know how the BERITH NFT platform is being prepared and when is the expected launching date of the platform.




Blockchain Based Integrated Membership Business Platform