Introducing Berith BaaS (5) Enterprise

2 min readAug 5, 2022

Hello, this is Berith.​

Today, we will take a look at the Enterprise service of Berith BaaS.

Blockchain is commonly divided into two types: public blockchain and private blockchain. Public blockchain does not require any approval that anyone can participate in the consensus mechanism following the procedure, and forbids any interruption in the process. It clearly has advantages in transparency and decentralization over the private blockchain. Besides, it faces scalability challenges because the blocks must be created through complexly calculated consensus algorithms of different nodes, then process the transactions. Consequently, the performance of the public blockchain tends to be low to that of the private blockchain.​

And in this respect, companies prefer private blockchain to public blockchain. They already have a system called a company, and because the organization is already organized, scalability is more important than decentralization.​

Berith BaaS’s Enterprise service identifies the Needs of blockchain services for businesses and supports stable system construction, exception processing speed, thorough security enforcement, and one-stop service.

Instead of building a separate server for blockchain installation, it can be easily installed and configured according to the guide provided by ‘the Wizard(setup assistant type)’. Moreover, the blockchain service can be provided by linking the built-in API with the company’s existing legacy environment.​

Moreover, it provides GUI-based intuitive management and monitoring that enables checking the status of blockchain resources (CPU, memory, disk) in real-time. It also allows scaling operations and configuring optimized nodes according to the blockchain service you are willing to support.​

In addition, Sharding and MongoDB have been applied to increase performance over traditional private blockchain, which has also been certified as an official source code by Hyperlaser.​

Please contact via Berith’s official account for specific details and further inquiries about the service demonstration.​

Thank you.




Blockchain Based Integrated Membership Business Platform